My Goal Weight!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

You vs You

Week Two Mid-Week Check In
How is everyone doing? In weight loss, week two is known to be an uphill battle on the scale. With that said, anyone watch the Biggest Loser last night?
Dolvett, one of the trainers, said something really interesting. He said the competition is not against the people around you, but the true competition is you against yourself. Think about that for just a minute. I can’t make you exercise. I can’t make you skip the drive-up. I can’t make you drink enough water. Just like you can't make me do those things for myself.  Only You can do those thingsyou and Only I can do those things for myself.
The competition comes in when instead of listening to that small voice in the back of your head that says, “I’ll just start tomorrow” or “I can’t do this” or “I would rather be fat and happy” you ignore it.
Old Self vs New You
I don’t have time                                    I’ll walk/jog in place while I watch my favorite
I am too overweight to exercise             I will start with 15 mins a day and work up from
I just want one cookie                            I know it will be more then one, I will skip the
  “one” cookie and have a whole bowl of     
I can’t jog for 10 mins                           Yes I can, I can do 12 mins
The scale hasn’t moved, I give up        My clothes feel great, who really cares what the  
  scale says. I must be gaining muscle. I am not  
  giving up.
I’m too tired                                          I actually have more energy when I exercise and
                                                              eat nutritious food
My goal is too far away, it’s                 I reached my first goal of 10lbs lost.
going to take forever                            AWESOME!!
 Now on to goal #2; 10 more lbs.

I like food that tastes good                  Chicken is getting a little boring, I am going to get
                                                            some new recipes online
I just can’t get motivated                     Diabetes, heart attack, stroke etc. I want to see my
                                                            kids get married, I want to see my grandkids, I want
                                                            to travel once I am “free” of mommy duties and not
                                                            be seeing the world in a rascal
I’m too stressed right now                  New rule: Mommy gets 1 whole hour to herself.
                                                            No interruptions, quiet time, no cell phones, no
            drama, no stress. I am going to blast my music and
            run it all out.

  I think you get the idea. Please know that I am not judging anyone. In most of my rants, I           
am really just talking to myself. I am constantly having these battles, mentioned above, in my head all of the time. Everyday for me is a battle and a competition against my former lazy and excuse driven me. I am ready to make a change. And yes this is going to have to be a one day at a time battle. However, the quality of my life and the confident feeling I know I will have at a size 8 is worth the battle.
Until Friday, take care and get moving!!

Week 2 Results

I am not the "Biggest Loser" this week. I was really struggling this week for whatever reason. I didn't eat that bad, but I didn't make the time to exercise that much. I did however hit the 5lb loss mark. Here is how the rest of my team did...

The Biggest Loser of the week is…
W****              2.208% Great Job, you are setting the bar pretty high!!
A****             1.135%
R****               0.959%
Mackenna        0.790%
N****              0.691%
M****              0.677%
M****             0.497%
S****                0.273%
Again, everyone lost weight!! As you can see these percentages are so close a 2oz weight loss could move your placement.
Congratulations to N****, R****, W**** and Mackenna; you have hit the 5lb or more weight loss. Keep up the good work!!
I would like to invite everyone to share their story. What is working for you? Did you have an accomplishment this week? How did you feel after you turned down pizza? Are you having a bad day? Did you find a new food you love? Whatever it is, please share it.
I would really like this to be more of an open forum where we can share and encourage each other in our weight loss journey.

Week 1 Results

I am the "Biggest Loser" of the week. Yah!!! I lost 4 lbs this week with a weight loss percentage of 1.937%.
Here is are the results of the rest of my team...

Mackenna 1.937 %
N****       1.923%
S*****      1.569%
M****      1.428%
W****      1.041%
R*****     0.848%
M****      0.740%
A****       0.282%
We all lost weight!!
As you can see it was really close. Just a half pound difference can take the lead!
I know it can seem discouraging if you did not meet your goal of weight loss for the week, but just stick with it and don't give up. Think about what you can do differently on week two. Did you drink enough water? Did you exersice? Did you eat too close to bedtime? Don't give up! You can do this!
I have been counting calories. I know it seems like a lot of work to measure and weight things out, but it works for me. I didn't realize how much I was eating before I started to actually measure it out.
Within in the last month almost everynight I would have a bowl of ice cream. I didn't measure it, I wasn't counting calories. Well, when I measured out a serving, 1/2 cup, and looked at the bowl I was in shock. My regular bowl was usually 3 times that size or equal to almost 600 calories. That is more than a third of my daily intake now.
I am not saying everyone has to count calories, but I am going to challenge you to keep a food journal for at least two days. Write down everything you eat. I mean everything. It is those "oh it is only a cookie" that add up to the putting on the pounds calories. Keep the journal and then look it over. Where can you cut back? Are you eating enough or too much?
Keep up the good work everyone!! And good luck in week two!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

About Me

I am a normal everyday 30 year old woman. I am a mother of three and I am currently a stay-at-home mom. I love my “job” but I find that I have been taking a backseat in my own life. My goal is to find balance in life; to make time for myself, be a great mom, wife and friend, to finally get my weight to a healthy place and to keep it there.

I am currently 206.5 lbs. Oh, and I am only 5’2”. I am considered obese; which is hard to admit. I have been around the 200 mark since the birth of my first child. That was 6 years ago. It is time.

To motivate myself, I put together a group of friends and family and started a “Biggest Loser Club.” It is going to run for 13 weeks. Every member pays $10 a week, we have 8 members, and at the end of the 13 weeks we will have a rewards night. I didn’t realize how competitive I was until I pulled this together. My BFF and I have been going back and forth as to who is going to be the “Biggest Loser.” I am of course.

I am trying not to put too much emphasis on the amount of weight I want to lose. I want to be a size 8. I have not been that since I started dating my husband, 11 years ago! I am posting a weight ticker at the top of the blog only because it is a motivator for me. I am a visual person.

Every Friday I am going to post my weight loss. Stay tuned!

What is this blog about??

Finally Time to Lose is just that, it is finally time for me to get serious and lose the weight. I have been on a “diet” all of my adolescent and adult life. I have tried everything: Atkins, calorie counting, Weight Watchers, the grapefruit diet and the list goes on. Here is the thing with me, the diets that I have been on have worked, that is while I did them. I would lose weight have a “cheat night” which turned into going off the diet, which turned into gaining it all and then some back. My problems involve not the “diets,” but me sticking to them. I am a quitter. I am going to be 30 in a month, and I have decided that I am no longer going to be fat. My approach is going to be different this time. I am going to incorporate little parts of every diet that I have been on. I will be counting calories, limiting carbs, eating unlimited fruits and veggies and trying my best to eat only whole foods. I will also start an exercise program. This is my time. I am finally going to lose it, and keep it off. I am hoping this blog will encourage me to stick to it and to be accountable to you, my readers. I hope to inspire you to also make the decision to finally lose.